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Impact Weight Gainer V2 - 2.5kg Vanilla
Impact Weight Gainer V2 - 2.5kg Vanilla

Impact Weight Gainer V2 - 2.5kg Vanilla

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If you’re looking to gain weight, build strength, or increase size then you’re going to have to consume more calories than you burn throughout the day — known as a calorie surplus.

And, although that sounds really simple, eating the wrong types of foods can lead to an increase in body fat, which isn’t ideal. To gain muscle you must combine a calorie surplus, with high-quality protein sources — which contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass

 — and a well thought-out strength training plan.

We know that getting your nutrition right, when leading an active lifestyle, can be difficult — and that’s where we come in. Our weight-gainer supplements combine high-quality ingredients with ultimate convenience, delivering the fuel you need, wherever you are.

31g of protein per serving
50g of carbs per serving
388 calories
Protein helps grow and maintain important muscle
Packed with a blend of high-quality, fast and slow digesting proteins, that helps grow and maintain important muscle. This won’t just spike your protein uptake, but help to maintain it throughout the day.

There’s also an energising carb boost from oat flour and maltodextrin, helping you to recover after exercise and provide the fuel for your next session.

Want to boost the calories? Then try adding a scoop of All-Natural Peanut Butter to your shake, for a super-nutritious boost that’s packed with fibre and the essential micronutrients vitamin E and magnesium. Plus, it’s free from added salt, sugar, palm oil, and preservatives — the perfect and delicious way of increasing the calories of your weight gainer shake.